Fast-Tracking La Knight to the Main Event: Here's How. pt. 1

First at Wrestlemania - LA Knight wins the Andrew the Giant memorial Battle Royal Smackdown begins with Knight boasting about how he is the Wrestlemania ATG memorial battle Royal winner. He further explains how he should be the number 1 ct for the IC belt or the US belt at Wrestlemania - Shameous won the IC belt and Cena won the US belt. La Knight starts verbally lambasting Shameous who is not there However, instead of Shameous, Knight is challenged by Drew Mcintyre, after Drew explains that Shameous was out with a banger. Drew Mcintyre Vs. La Knight

    During the match, La Knight got Mcintyre in a compromising situation to where Drew is stuck but Knight doesn't relent. Knight could easily end Drew's career. Shameous looking banged up, Brogue Kicks Knight helping his friend.
On Raw, La Knight makes a surprise appearance and confronts JohnCena, telling him he much rather take a belt from him than Shameous anyway. This leads to Austin Theory coming out and causing a hilarious and awesome confrontation between himself and LA Knight with John Cena cutting in, ribbing on both men.
Austin Theory Vs La Knight for #1 ct for the US title.      

    This leads to a double DQ as both men were warned several times for breaking the rules.
On SD, La knight returns and tries to then challenge Shameous. Austin Theory shows up on SD (big surprise pop from the commentators. Theory explains he tried to come in my spot on Raw well I’m coming in on yours now. Shameous gets on a phone call in the middle of the ring. He takes the call, abruptly ignoring whatever bothTheory and Knight are talking about.

Shameous challenges them to a tag match. You two vs me and my best mate, he says. The tag team partner is revealed to be John cena. John Cena and Shameous vs Theory and Knight. This is an awesome match because of the bitter rivalry that Cena and Shameous had in the late 2000’s. Theory and Knight go over. Having Knight pin Cena because Shameous blocked Theory from saving. On Raw, Theory takes all the credit for the victory. Cena reminds Theory that Knight did something you can't do, pin me. Theory reminds Cena that Knight pinned you cause I hit you with the A-town Down. He said nonetheless, this means I am the number 1 contender. Cena doesn't seem to agree. Theory challenges Cena to pick anyone and he will beat him. Cena chooses Cody Roades Austin Theory v. Cody Rodes

    Cody Wins clean On Smackdown, Knight challenges John Cena and I says unlike Theory, I will prove it by beating Shameous tonight and at Wrestlemania backlash it will be Knight vs. Cena, IC vs US. like Reigns I will be an undisputed champion Knight v. Shameous for the IC championship. Theory costs LA knight the match by attacking Shameous ending in a DQ. On Raw the next week, Cena accepts Knights challenge citing he deserves it more than Theory. Theory challenges Shameous saying because I know you got more balls than Cena. Cena comes out and asked for a wrestlemania re-match, if you can beat me. I will defend this title the very next night on Raw against you John Cena vs. Austin Theory     Theory pins Cena On SD go home show; Shaemus and Drew vs Knight and Theory Knight and Theory Theory and Knight inadverntantly win again when Theory pins Shameous Wrestlemania Backlash: United States Championship John Cena vs. La Knight IC Championship Shameous vs. Austin Theory