Monday Night Raw - 2021- ep. 2 - Triple H Return / Mcintyre Gets Covid

This week, Raw had to re-think their booking on the fly because Drew Mcintyre tested positive for Covid thus the main event between Drew and Randy had to be re-written.

The Opening to Raw  

Raw started with Triple H and Randy Orton having a heated exchange hashing up the history between them with Randy basically demanding Triple H to give him WWE title.

Of course, Triple H laughed at the idea, even though in 2002, he was literally handed the World Heavyweight championship from Eric Bishoff.

The segment ending with Orton challenging Triple H to a fight and Triple H answering with a punch to the face after Orton used the same old, triggering insult that has been used to get Triple H up in arms for years which is saying that he left his balls in Stephanie's purse. You think eventually Triple H would become immune to this insult. 

The WWE Champion

Drew gave a video a message to the Universe about staying safe from covid while also accepting Goldberg's challenge. But, what most fans were wondering was, if Drew will be Covid negative before the Royal Rumble. Because if he isn't and Goldberg was written to win the title, then what is WWE creative gonna do?

But for most non-Goldberg fans, this may come as a blessing in disguise because the thought of Goldberg fulfilling his "dream of becoming WWE champion" is vomit inducing. Yet, it seems the way they have been promoting this "long, last dream of Goldberg" that is what they were planning to do.  

If that is the storyline that Golderg is going to end his career on, finally getting the WWE championship, then fine; but let's not let Goldberg successfully accomplish this goal only weeks after announcing it. It needs to be built up and paid at a later date. 

What is being built toward Wrestlemania?

I can image that Goldberg will have a match at this year's Wrestlemania, but I would argue it doesn't need to be for a title but I am sure his contract would say otherwise. I think Goldberg should instead should be focused on being story driven, instead of just saying " I want the belt, so give me the belt." That story is getting older than Goldberg. 

But who would it be that would give Goldberg a proper story driven match? It seems Goldberg is coming across more heelish with Mcintyre than with previous opponents. 

Many think, it will be Sheamus that costs Mcintyre the title at the Rumble, which will set ups a Sheamus / Mcintyre feud at Mania and leave Goldberg to defend his title against someone else. But who? Maybe Orton?

Or, maybe they are gonna have Goldberg actually play a heel and let The Fiend get his win back against Goldberg at Mania. After all, the Fiend's whole modus operandi is to get those back who had defeated him in the past. 

If I was making the booking decisions, I would have Sheamus win the Elimination Chamber and have the two best mates fight it out for the Championship at Mania. As for Goldberg, I would have him be used to put over Kieth Lee. And, if Edge hasn't returned, I would put the Fiend and Orton in one more last match at Mania. And, since things have become so extreme between the two men already, the only match you could have is an "I-quit" match. Knowing neither of these men are capable of saying I quit, would create an intrigue, but the ending could simply be that things get so bad for Orton during the match that Randy's wife says I quit for Randy and the fall out of that would make the very next night on Raw very intriguing. How is Randy gonna respond to that?

If Edge does return to compete with Orton, The Fiend is left to have a match with someone else, which could be Goldberg or AJ Styles who is currently doing nothing and seeing how well AJ played off the Undertaker, similar magic could be created with the Fiend. 

Broc Lesnar / Braun Strowman 

However, all this depends on if Brock Lesnar or Braun Strowman will return to participate in the Wrestlemania. If these two behemoths do return, then what would be their role? 

Other Storylines 

Also on Raw, WWE continued the story line between the Flairs, with Ric turning on Charlotte and aligning himself in this weird romantic way with Lacey Evans while Matt Riddle finally found himself tapping out to the hurt lock and Sheamus and Kieth Lee are still playing this on again-off again friendship where they battled as a team and with each other. 

AJ has Nowhere to Go

AJ Styles had a match with Drew Gulak. AJ styles has been having what seems like random matches every week with random superstars so it seems creative is really stuck in the mud with where they want to go with AJ but with Wrestlemania quickly approaching, they are struggling to put him in an interesting story. They are having the same problem with Jeff Hardy and Elias still being stuck in their old feud. Xiaver woods took a loss to Retribution's T-bar which was uneventful and pointless.  

The Women's Divison 

Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke are still tied up in the storyline with Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax with the WWE women's champion, Asuka doing nothing significant. 

The Main Event

The Main Event was a match between The Game and The Legend Killer, but as Triple H pulled up old faithful, his sledgy, it spontaneously combusted like it was an old torch, and then the Fiend's presence descended onto the arena leaving little miss Bliss alone with Randy Orton. She threw a fireball in his face and the show ended with Orton seemingly severely burned.