Drew and Roman the new pair of Era-Defining Superstars.

The WWE has a history of having Era-Defining duos, such as Stone Cold & The Rock, Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan & Macho Man, Batista & Randy Orton, Edge and John Cena, and most recently Undertaker and Broc Lesnar. There are many others and some names appear more than once like Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, and Triple H, and some could call individuals who were a part of multiple duos, as Super Duos, or something as silly as that.  

I believe the Era of the Thunderdome belongs to the duo of Drew Mcintyre and Roman Reigns. Even if they don't get to a cross paths again with another storylined rivalry, they are well on Track of defining the early 2020's. Wwe, though would be massive jabronis if they didn't continue this rivalry. But we would only speculate how it could be booked. I would argue for having Drew beat the Tribal Chief at wrestlemania setting them up to main event another wrestlemania for the tie break, (and, yes I would say drag it out over the next few years. 

But before we decide how to best book this program between The Scottish Warrior and The Head of the Table moving forward, let's take a look at the history of the some of the most era defining duos in chronological order. 

After Wrestlemania III, one could argue Andrew and Hogan where the inaugural EDD. Of course, we could go back further but this is the era I started watching in, so it works for me. The Andrew-Hogan storyline evolved with Andrew turning heel on Hogan, and Hogan finally defeating his counterpart but Andrew would eventually get the last laugh by beating Hogan for the title and selling it like a piece of worthless outdated hardware. 

This lead us to the 2nd major Duo: Hogan and Savage. This storyline had a very similar trajectory as the one with Andrew, just now adding a woman into the mix. The 3rd was Hogan and Warrior which was completely different change up because for the first time we were seeing to faces go face to face. This lead to Warrior and Savage becoming the 4rth Duo that defined an era. Their rivalry continued up until Warrior abruptly left the company and savage was put on commentary. Shortly Bret Hart got the belt and played tug of war between Yokozuna and Kevin Nash, but his run ended with a defeat to Shawn Michaels, which is ironically what lead to one of the biggest Era defining duos since Hogan and Warrior. They were both  faces as rivals, but they ended their feud both being and heels and their rivalry begin in the tag division where they were both faces and continued in the IC division where Hart was a face and Michaels was a heel. This storyline more complex than any previous Duo, but it because this rivalry was based in some real personal issues between the performers, which all ended in the infamous Montreal screwjob. 

Micheals eventually got injured and Hart left for WCW, leaving Stone Cold needing a dance partner and that's when he found The Rock. The Rock and Stone Cold feud lead to them Main Eventing Wrestlemania for the three Wrestlemanias. This kind of feud was never heard of before. 

Once Vince bought WCW, Stone cold had sustained one too many injuries and The Rock went on to Hollywood but not before, he and Hollywood Hulk Hogan defined a new era. An era where Hogan, Hall and Nash were creating an era in WCW and similtaneously The Rock and Stone Cold were defining their own Era, while the Rock also shared an Era with Triple H, and so did Shawn Michaels in likes of Degeneration X. 

While there was a small gap in Eras between Hogan and the Rock and Broc Lesnar and Goldberg, Undertaker and Kane were defining their own era with their continued rivalry as the Brothers of Destruction. Soon Batista and Orton would define their own moment in time, along with Edge and Cena, and Edge and Orton, as well as Daniel Bryan and CM punk. I won't get into each and every detail of each duo's exact story, we can say that the last error defining Duo was Undertaker and Broc Lesnar and we know how that story ended, Undertaker having to resort to heel tactics, and losing his steal to even get 1 victory out of the Beast. 

We have already seen that the only reason Reigns was able to beat Drew was because of heel tactics, which I believe Roman's character will always resort to. Therefor as much as it would piss off fans, it would be sensible to suggest that Drew would beat Reigns at Wrestlemania but not for the title and not by pin fall, but because Reigns' rage would get himself disqualified and it makes sense for Reigns' character to use such a tactic because it has made it clear that it is more important to destroy your opponent than win the match. 

However, I think for the Third match, two years later, it would make sense to have had Drew turn heel and Reigns turns face. In this case, Drew can finally beat Reigns because Drew will be using Heel tactics against a babyface reigns. Or there could be a double turn like the Stone Cold and Bret Hart duo.