What is a Heel?

In the world of professional wrestling, a heel is a classic antagonist. They are the person that is intending on stoping the protagonist, the face, from accomplishing their goals by any means necessary.

Heels will always stand in direct opposition to the face not caring how this will cause them to be judged. They typically do not care what anyone thinks of them, from the people in the back to the WWE Universe at large. Your opinion of them does not matter. 

A heel will break the rules, cheat, lie, steal, typically do whatever they can do just to get ahead, just to main event, to get to Wrestlemania and make the big paycheck because, after all,  it is only the big paycheck, the title, and the roars of the crowd that they care about and they don't care what they have to do to get there. 

Like when Shawn Michaels and Triple H convinced Vince Mcmahon to let them act like Degenerate heels on tv to help WWF beat the ratings war against WCW by forming one of the most famous groups in WWE history, Degeneration X. 


However, like the Face, the Wrestling Heel also has a story arc and the heel's story arc is about redemption. It's about finally doing what is right in the face of an injustice that is even too heelish for the heel to face. Like when Jake the Snake Roberts was going to club Miss Elizabeth with a steel chair from behind a curtain, even a heal Undertaker, a personified Grim Reaper had to stop that. 


Not all heels though, will eventually turn face. Many heels stay heels throughout their entire career, or will have a brief baby-face run but will quickly resort back to their heelish ways when things don't go the way they wanted.  

But some heels become anti-heroes, where they are not exactly a face, but they still use their heelish tactics and behavior, but to not antagonize faces, but to go after other heels. They do this, though, not for any noble reason, typically it's all self motivated; but because they often target super-heels, the crowds usually support them. 


The storyarc of heel will take them to a redeeming moment, but not every heel will redeem themselves, and those that do will sometimes fall from grace and return to their bad guy persona. The most popular heels are the one's that never try to be the good guy, but they still fight for what is good and remain as a beloved anti-hero. 

The question still could be asked what is the better story arc for a heel? To always remain a heel, to redeem and covert to a face, or fall from grace or become the anti-hero?

Well, that's for the WWE Universe to decide, but if there was a heel who personified being a heel like no other, some could argue that it would be Triple H, because if we were to analyze his story arc we might find that he has been a part of all the heel story arcs.